Press Releases


Gemma Robinson

DAACI Launches Open Beta Community - Welcoming Users to Join the Next Level of Musical Innovation

The open beta gives users early access to DAACI’s first creator plugin, Natural Drums

London, United Kingdom - DAACI is welcoming users to their new open beta community, to help give input and ideas and join the journey as they shape the future of AI music tools. Open beta users can now access DAACI’s first creator plugin, Natural Drums. DAACI’s creator-led approach to generative tool development puts the users at the centre of the experience. With this in mind, the open beta community is an engaging and active part of the process of development.

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Natural Drums is an assistive AI co-pilot plugin that creates drum grooves in real time, as if a session drummer is right there with you in your studio, bringing your ideas to life. Whether you’re a new beatmaker or a seasoned producer looking for the quickest way to get to the heart of your creativity, Natural Drums integrates seamlessly into your existing DAW workflow and gives you endless options for amazing beats, fast.

Natural Drums assists creativity, it doesn’t replace it, and the genesis of every new beat always comes from you. Start with an idea and let the plugin enhance your initial input, generating new grooves in front of your eyes. Like working with a real drummer, you can jam along and make changes in real time, try things out, and create an end result that is entirely yours.

As part of the DAACI Natural Series, Natural Drums is created by expert drummers and draws on their many years of experience playing music in live settings. In line with DAACI’s approach to generative AI and unlike other drum sequencers, Natural Drums doesn’t pull from a list of static precomposed patterns or utilise pure randomness. It thinks like a musician and rapidly creates beats that are entirely bespoke and unique to you.

Rachel Lyske, DAACI CEO, comments:

This is an incredibly exciting time for DAACI as we start to put our tools into the hands of the people who we value the most — musicians, artists and composers. Music shapes us, it allows us to communicate, it creates community and collaboration. The DAACI team is no different, our solutions are built by musicians for musicians and now we are inviting people to get involved and help shape the future.

Natural Drums is a perfect start to the pulse of this beta community. Over 30 years ago, at the start of my creative journey, the first thing I wrote was a simple drum beat. The challenge then was to express the complexity I was hearing in my head. How could I vary it? How could I expand it, make it interesting and make it work with other instruments? I had to write it all out by hand and I didn’t have the tools to bring my ideas to life. Now, Natural Drums is in the hands of our users and they can benefit from DAACI’s unique approach and system.

The Natural Drums open beta gives users the inside track on Natural Drums and DAACI’s Natural Series for a low price, including:

● Early access to a beta licence key ahead of full product release ● Discounts on future betas and full product licences ● Full technical support and knowledge base ● Insider access to the DAACI team ● Be at the centre of DAACI’s development process ● Sneak peeks at upcoming products in the DAACI Natural Series ● Exclusive beta user events

Product Features of Natural Drums

Shuffle Every Loop: Set the global shuffle to “Shuffle Every Loop” and watch as Natural Drums recalculates at the start of every pattern based on your configuration, the same way a real drummer would start to subtly improvise around a rhythmic idea over the course of a piece of music.


Find the Trapifier option in the Hi Hat drop down menu and fill your pattern with trap-style hi hats. Use the half-time button alongside the Trapifier. Adjust the parameters to generate bespoke hi hat patterns with huge amounts of flexibility and variation right at your fingertips.

Structural Variation:

Create detailed rhythmic variety throughout your beats with structural variation. Experiment with different patterns to vary rhythms throughout the loop, saving you time on programming while reaching a richer final result that is all based on your original idea.

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Lyske concludes:

We have an incredibly dedicated team at DAACI and I’d like to thank them for sharing their expertise, creativity and vision as we strive to build the tools we always wanted for ourselves. We all make music in different ways so we are excited to see how people use this first tool. I can’t wait to hear the amazing music that will come out of it.

To find out more: Price £18/$18/18EUR


DAACI develops next-gen smart and AI creative music tools.

Our series of patented technologies empower music makers to meet the rapidly growing demand for personalised music. Our technologies encompass tools that supercharge the creative process dynamically composing new music in real-time, and smart editing systems that seamlessly adapt existing tracks.

Built by a world-class team of musicians and composers, DAACI’s technology is based on over 30 years of research. Incorporating a growing portfolio of 60 granted patents and supported by partnerships with the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Artificial Intelligence and Music at Queen Mary University of London and the innovative Abbey Road Red incubator, DAACI is the go-to solution for creators who make and use music.

With our series of pioneering plugins and tools, creators can benefit from our unique approach and our understanding of deep music theory, giving them multiple lifetimes’ worth of musical experience at their fingertips.

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